2012... The year that changed my life...

It's been 8 months since I last wrote on this blog. I guess this is what you could say as me resurfacing. So far I've been doing really great.

I feel very good. I would often joke that I'm actually healthier than most of the people around me. I will have to admit, there are times that I would be late with my ARVs (which I have already started months ago). I haven't had any side effects, well maybe other than the rashes disappearing and some minor mood swings, I could say that my meds have been really helpful. I would still have the occasional rashes, but that would be better than anything like pulmonary problems or fevers and stuff. I have also been gaining weight, which is good, but I really need to lose some because I already look too stocky for my liking. My 1st CD4 check will be on Monday and I'm both looking forward and a bit nervous about it. My friend says that since I haven't been getting sick, I might get really good results. My last CD4 count was 35, I'm hoping for an increase but I'm also getting ready to accept small improvements so that I wouldn't be too disappointed, but here's to hoping.

I feel like any normal person and I still get to do the things that I love. Dancing has really helped me a lot. I feel that it allows me to connect with myself, more than anything physical, I feel that it's more of a spiritual experience. My parents seem to have been more comfortable living with me. They don't panic as much anymore and there would be days that I would really forget that I have this condition. If before, I was always worried about the future, now I'm more optimistic and excited for great new things that are coming. 

I also have found love despite my predicament. You could say that we found love in a "HOPEFUL" place. He has accepted me fully and has promised to stay with me in this journey. I think that God gave him to me to remind me that things are not so hopeless. My parents "know about him"... I think we'll take things one at a time. 

Life with HIV is not so bad, as long as you have enough support from people around you. you also have to stay positive... No pun intended. 

I'll try to update this blog as much as I can, but I know that this new life that I have is gonna be better... At least better than what I thought it will be.  



December 05, 2012 3:39 AM
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I wish we can dance together soon. Congratulations on your your newly found love. I wish you happiness!

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